5-7 June 2024 Bucharest, Romania conference@ehma.org

EHMA 2024 is now ended. You can download the Abstract Book, some Abstract PPT slides and watch the video here below.

Download PowerPoint Presentations from Abstract Sessions

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

We have compiled the YouTube playlist of our key discussions for you. Watch it now.

European Health Management
Conference 2024

5-7 June 2024 – Bucharest, Romania

The European Health Management Association (EHMA), the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute for Health Services Management (INMSS) are pleased to announce the 29th edition of the European Health Management Conference to take place on 5-7 June 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.

This year’s theme, ‘Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems‘ encompasses the entire spectrum of health megatrends. From the digital transformation of healthcare systems and services, to the ever-growing importance of sustainability, and the evolving skill sets required by the healthcare workforce, we aim to explore how the health sector is adapting to these changes. We emphasise an ecosystem approach, promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Our aim is to facilitate dialogue on how different health care actors can work together and leverage each other’s strengths to drive innovation and address pressing challenges.

Since its inception, the European Health Management Conference has served as a forum for promoting discussions and sharing innovative solutions in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Each year, we bring together a wide spectrum of healthcare stakeholders, including managers, leaders, researchers, academics, policymakers, and industry representatives. This diverse collective of expertise enhances the dialogue on pressing health management issues. Together, we work towards achieving excellent health management for a healthy Europe.

The EHMA Board of Directors and this year’s Co-Hosts, the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute for Health Services Management warmly invite you to the European Health Management Conference 2024.

The Conference brings together renowned experts from Europe and the world to discuss best practices and challenges in health management. The diverse and comprehensive program offers a unique platform to explore solutions to some of the most complex issues in leading and managing health care systems and services.

Over the years, the European Health Management Conference has consistently been a hub for sharing cutting-edge research, innovation, and real-world experiences. This year’s focus is on innovative practices and collaboration among stakeholders. We will highlight the importance of sharing best practices and learning from their implementation in different contexts. The Conference will ensure an ongoing conversation among policy-makers, managers, healthcare professionals and researchers, especially now that the challenges to healthcare system performance have become even more urgent.

We look forward to meeting you at #EHMA2024.

Prof Sandra C Buttigieg, MD
President of the Board of Directors of the European Health Management Association

Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems



What can you expect?

  • Be part of the preeminent European conference on health management and contribute to achieving excellence in health management.
  • An engaging conference that combines scientific presentations, keynotes, workshops and interactive discussions.
  • Networking opportunities with a variety of stakeholders to identify, discuss and address current and future needs of health management in Europe and worldwide.
  • 400+ representatives of the healthcare ecosystem including academia, research, health managers, healthcare professionals, decision- and policy-makers.
  • The opportunity to showcase your work and research, highlighting best practices and sharing innovative ideas on health management with leading experts in the field.

EHMA 2023 Day 1 (22)
EHMA 2022 Day 1 (368)




Every year I am excited about the EHMA conference, the biggest candy shop you can imagine! Difficult to choose out of so many interesting and inspiring presentations and discussions with stakeholders involved in health management all over the world. A great experience!

Dr Elly Breedveld, Director, Stichting Perspekt, The Netherlands

What I love about the EHMA Annual Conference is how it finds the balance between the strategic and the practical. The Conference identifies and brings to the table the most relevant policy topics with content that is engaging for practitioners as well.

Dr Josep Figueras, Director, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Belgium

I have attended EHMA conferences for the past 10 years and I have always been hugely satisfied with the well-organised, interactive and friendly scientific and social programmes. Every conference provides opportunities to engage in discussions on relevant topics with different stakeholders in healthcare management. I highly recommend it!

Prof Sandra Buttigieg, Professor, University of Malta, Malta

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Av. du Port 86C, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium